Store: choose your plan

If you are not a store, check prices for: brands, shopping mall and showrooms



Annual discount enabled!

You're getting 2 months free.

Premium Page

& Super Visibility

Annual discount applied

390 € x year

You're saving 78 € for the first year!

Premium Page


- photo gallery

- History & Philosophy (italian & english)

- Stores selling your brand worldwide

Super Visibility

1 Month visibility on homepage

1 Month visibility on brand homepage

Premium Page

& Super Visibility


News & Newsletter

Annual discount applied

750 € x year

You're saving 150 € for the first year!

Premium Page



- photo gallery

- History & Philosophy (italian & english)

- Stores selling your brand worldwide

Super Visibility


1 Month visibility on homepage

1 Month visibility on brand homepage


2 Newsletter focused on your brand(one for each season)

to more than 20 k people inscribed

2 News focused on your brand(one for each season)

published on our news channel and on your premium page

6 social sharing: every 2 months on all our socials(Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin)

Special requests

Contact us

Do you have some special requests?

Do you have a group of stores or brands?

Get a discount for more Premium Pages!

Do you want some extra news or newsletters?

Do you want some banners on our site?

Contact us for your special request!


What is a Premium Page?

A Premium Page on SHOPenauer is an 'evolved' page compared to a basic page, complete with images, texts and photos that best and completely represents a reality relating to a shop, a brand, a showroom or a department store.

The premium page contains:

  • Name of your brand
  • Logo and Address
  • Opening time
  • Link to the site
  • Links to your social networks
  • Photo gallery (up to 15 photos)
  • History and philosophy of your reality.
  • Google Maps
  • Interactive list of brands
  • Characteristics of your store (category, specialization in certain products
  • Connected stores in the case of multiple connected premium pages relating to a chain or a company with multiple points of sale.

Here is an example of Premium Page for a store:

Here is an example of Premium Page for a brand:
What are the advantages of a Premium Page?


Whether you are a brand, a shop or a showroom, a Premium page is able to fully provide all the data your customers need, and provide a high-level image that tells and represents your reality.


SHOPenauer is one of the most important and recognized by Google when it comes to searching for brands, shops and showrooms. A Premium page on SHOPenauer allows you to improve the indexing of your site by working on link-building. All texts are inserted into your page following a specific SEO study on your positioning and keywords.


The premium page is always associated with Special Visibility package.
For example, if you sell Balenciaga, anyone who searches for the Balenciaga brand on SHOPenauer in your city, your province, your country or the world will find your store in the first results together with the other Premium stores.

This will lead customers to reach your physical point of sale or your e-commerce, before evaluating other points of sale.

The results in the top positions of SHOPenauer are also reflected in the results found directly on Google, where in many cases your shop will appear in preview searches

In reference to the example above, try searching, for example, Balenciaga in Verona on Google: 8

Furthermore, to support YOUR VISIBILITY, in the 1 year Premium package, SHOPenauer will give you:

1 month of visibility featured on the site's homepage:

1 month of featured visibility on the stores homepage if you are a store:

1 month of featured visibility on the brands homepage if you are a brand
How does SHOPenauer e-commerce work?

SHOPenauer presents one of the richest and constantly growing marketplaces in the world focused on luxury, premium and sophisticated streetwear brands.

Sales are not concluded on SHOPenauer, but SHOPenauer redirects users to your e-commerce where sales are concluded.

The products can be uploaded by passing a classic Google Shopping XML feed to our team, (or a specific SHOPenauer XML) according to the technical characteristics you can learn at this link:

How can I upload products from my online shop to SHOPenauer?

The loading takes place via XML feed, that of Google Shopping (which is the most used) or the specific SHOPenauer feed.
To create your feed this is the instruction page:

A programmer must be able to create or modify your feed, verifying the characteristics required by SHOPenauer.

How are the sales I make thanks to SHOPenauer tracked?

Sales are tracked through an exclusive affiliation system using tracking codes.

It will be sufficient to have your programmers copy a code reserved for you into the pages of your site, and a code on the purchase conclusion page (thank you page) that we will provide you.

If you are not a programmer, you will have to make use of a programmer, you can of course make use of your usual reference programmers, who will be able to interface with our team.

Once your e-commerce account has been activated, you will be able to access a panel that will allow you to track the sales you obtain through SHOPenauer.

The commission requested by SHOPenauer on completed sales is 15% of the sales price (excluding shipping costs)

The tracking code is absolutely compliant with your and your customers' privacy, and the tracked sales are absolutely anonymous.

To learn more about the procedure to add affiliation tracking to your site visit this link, or send it to your programmers:

What is the commission on sales made through SHOPenauer?

The commission requested by SHOPenauer on completed sales is 15% of the sales price (excluding shipping costs).

Can I deduct commissions relating to unfinished purchases (such as unsuccessful payments) or any returns?

Certain. At the end of each month you will be able to delete orders from the panel for which the credit card payment was unsuccessful (attaching screenshots)

You will also be able to cancel total and partial returns within 15 days following the end of the month (attaching screenshots of the customer's return request and/or the credit note)

When are sales commissions paid to SHOPenauer?

Commissions are paid every month, after the 15-day period for returns has elapsed. If the period is longer in general or for a special period (for example after Christmas), you can communicate this to the SHOPenauer team and the deadlines will be postponed accordingly.

This is the procedure:

  • At the end of each month you will receive a bank statement and you will have up to 15 days (or longer if return period is longer) to cancel unsuccessful payments or returns on your panel (attaching screenshots of payment errors or return requests)
  • After 15 days from the end of the month you will receive an invoice on the commissions of the reference month which you will pay on sight by bank transfer.