EASTPAK has been manufacturing bags since 1952, when the Eastern Canvas Products USA, led by Monte Goldman, produced high-quality bags, backpacks and safety equipment for the US military. It was the first brand to replace the traditional brown and green bags, with fun colors.
This trend was reinforced in 1987, when EASTPAK definitely emerged with the first appearance of extravagant and original prints in the catalog, giving rise to an authentic brand, in line with the urban lifestyle. This move was accompanied by the first series of fresh and provocative advertisements in numerous lifestyle magazines, starting with the Rolling Stones.
Since then, the EASTPAK portfolio has grown to include collaborations with some of Europe's best designers, one award-winning ad campaign, sponsorships of musicians, artists and celebrities, flagship stores all over the world, including Carnaby Street in London and of course innovative products and fashionable designs everywhere.
The products continue their growth with a series of smart backpacks for city life, shoulder bags, clothing and luggage for travel, many items have integrated multimedia bags and compartments for laptops. Whether you move through the city or around the world, EASTPAK enables continuous travel throughout the urban landscape.