Duvetica, whose name comes from the combination of "duvet", the French word that identifies the fine bow/duvet produced in France and used for all garments, with "ethics" at the base of the production chain, is the result of five business partners, all experts in the textile industry.
It was in 2004, when the Duvetica brand began to appear on market with a single product, the duvet, mainly winter and without a logo. The strategy is particular: they direct sales to the high market and only to the Japanese market.
It happened, however, that many Italians, returning from the Sol Levante, wondered what was the origin of the brand known in Japan and how to track it in Europe, and then discovered with surprise that it was a Made in Italy. Thus, was born the first showroom in Italy and after only ten years, the company of Mogliano Veneto, celebrates an undisputed national and global commercial success.
With a soft feather outerwear with intense colors, Duvetica, focuses on the quality and wearability of its product the brand and manages to impose itself on the crowded fashion market, inventing from nothing with its own codes, from the all-over zip to the particular and extended color range, now easily recognizable by consumers. Varied luxury composition of the final product: nylon and gray goose feathers are French, Japanese interiors and the most fashionable fabrics come from Italy.
Today, Duvetica is located in Japan, a market from which the brand was initially founded, as well as in Europe, United States, Canada, South Korea, China, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.